Nov 15
Can I be Charged with a DUI for Driving a Boat?
The Criminal Code makes it a criminal offence to drive any motor vehicle which includes a boat, airplane, motorcycle, electric bike, scooter, etc. This means that you should…
Nov 15
Can I be Charged with a DUI if I was Not Driving?
In Canada, the Criminal Code makes it a criminal offence to be in care and control of a motor vehicle. At a trial, the Crown would need to prove that you were in a position within the vehicle…
Nov 15
Can I Drive Under the Influence of Cannabis?
The Criminal Code has made it an offence to drive while impaired by drug which are similar to the provisions for driving with impaired by alcohol. Therefore, you are not allowed…
Nov 15
Brampton Bail Hearing Lawyers
Lockyer Zaduk Zeeh are Brampton bail hearing lawyers. We place substantial emphasis on our client’s freedom whether that is during the bail hearing phase or on a bail review.
Nov 15
Criminal Organization – What Does this Mean in Canadian Criminal Law?
Common understanding of a “Criminal Organization” tends to be more traditionally recognized groups, such as motorcycle biker clubs, the mafia, or street gangs. But the legal definition of a Criminal Organization in Canada…
Nov 15
Sexual Assault FAQs
When you are released on bail pending your trial, or pending your appeal, there will be court ordered conditions that you must follow. These conditions can be varied, and in many…