Apr 30
The Price of “One More Drink”
A conviction for impaired driving (DUI) or excess blood alcohol (Over 80) can have severe legal and personal consequences. If convicted of one of…
Apr 30
Section 11(b) of the Charter: How Long of a Delay for Your Case is Too Long?
Perhaps one of the greatest complaints of the criminal justice system is its long and tedious process. Given the abrupt nature of the COVID19…
Apr 11
Police Powers to Search your Vehicle for Marijuana
Although the Canadian Government passed legislation to decriminalize the possession of marijuana, you can still be charges with marijuana…
Apr 11
The Right to Counsel
The right to counsel and the right to speak to a lawyer is the lifeline of the arrested and the accused. Under section 10(b) of the Canadian Charter…
Mar 30
Drinking and Driving—Impaired Operation and Over 80 Charges
Impaired driving (DUI) and excess blood alcohol (Over 80) are common offences in the Canadian Courts. So even though you may be charged with one…
Mar 20
The Application of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms at the Border in Importation Cases
Almost everyone has been to an airport, most have been subjected to questioning and searches, and some have been charged with entering the country…