Dec 02
I Want to Speak with My Spouse
When you are charged with a criminal offence, and you are released on bail, a non-communication order will typically be one of your conditions.
Dec 02
Should I Hire a Domestic Violence Lawyer?
Domestic violence is not a criminal offence itself, but it is sub-set of offences based on your relationship with the complainant. Domestic violence cases have issues, events, and legal considerations that arise right from the outset, and that you may overlook leading to lasting consequences if not addressed effectively.
Nov 29
What Happens at a Bail Hearing?
A bail hearing is one of the most crucial court appearances. Statistics show that being released on bail pending your trial increases your chances of success at trial.
Nov 29
What is Sexual Exploitation
Sexual exploitation is a criminal offence pursuant to the Criminal Code. Section 153 of the Criminal Code makes it an offence to have sex with someone if they are between the ages of 16 to 17, if you are in a position of trust or authority to the complainant.
Nov 29
What is Sexual Interference?
Sexual interference is outlined in section 151 of the Criminal Code. Sexual interference is a sexual assault involving someone under the age of consent (i.e. under the age of 16, in most cases).
Nov 29
I Have Been Falsely Accused of a Sexual Assault
Being falsely accused of a criminal offence is a stressful situation to find yourself in. The concern is even more serious when the false allegation is a sexual assault charge.