May 12
Toronto DUI Lawyers: Drug Recognition Evaluation (DRE)
A Drug Recognition Evaluation (DRE) is a standardized protocol used by law enforcement officers to determine if an individual is impaired by drugs. It is a systematic process that involves trained officers conducting a series of tests and examinations to assess the physical and mental signs of drug impairment.
May 12
What Should I Expect in the Canadian Criminal Justice System?
The Canadian criminal justice system is designed to provide a fair and just process for those accused of criminal offenses. The Canadian criminal justice system is complex, and each case is unique. If you are facing a criminal charge, and need a trial lawyer, please call us at (416) 613-0416 or (416) 595-9500 or contact us at for a free consultation.
May 12
Sexual Assault Lawyers: Child Pornography
Child pornography, also known as child sexual abuse material (CSAM), refers to any visual depiction or representation that involves the use, exploitation, or sexual abuse of children.
May 08
Sentencing Hearings: What is a Pre-Sentence Report?
A pre-sentence report is a document prepared by a probation officer or a similar designated authority in the criminal justice system. It provides information to the court to assist in determining an appropriate sentence for an individual who has been convicted of a crime.
May 08
Criminal Lawyer: What is a Preliminary Hearing?
A preliminary hearing, also known as a preliminary inquiry, is conducted to determine whether there is enough evidence to proceed to trial. The purpose of a preliminary hearing is to provide a safeguard against unfounded prosecutions and to protect the accused from unnecessary trials.
May 08
Driving Lawyers: Flight from Police
In Canada, fail to remain is a criminal offense under the Criminal Code of Canada, and it can also be laid as a Highway Traffic Act offence.