May 12

The Canadian criminal justice system is designed to provide a fair and just process for those accused of criminal offenses. If you are facing charges, here are some things you can expect:

  1. Investigation: If you are suspected of committing a crime, law enforcement agencies will investigate to gather evidence. This involves interviews, searches, and forensic analysis.
  2. Arrest: If the police have reason to believe that you have committed a crime, they may arrest you. You will be read your rights and taken to a police station for questioning.
  3. Right to Counsel: You have the right to hire a lawyer or, if you cannot afford one, have a lawyer provided through Legal Aid Your lawyer will help build your defense, cross-examine witnesses, and ensure your rights are protected.
  4. Bail: If you are arrested, you may be released on bail. This means that you will be allowed to leave custody until your trial, but you will have to follow certain conditions, such as not leaving the country or contacting certain individuals.
  5. Court appearances: You will have to appear in court several times throughout the criminal justice process, including for to be spoken to appearances, pre-trial, and trial.
  6. Trial: If your case goes to trial, you will have the opportunity to present your case before a judge or jury. The prosecution will also present evidence against you. The judge or a jury (depending on the seriousness of the offense and your election) will determine whether the Crown has proven your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
  7. Sentencing: If you are found guilty, the judge will impose a sentence. This could include a fine, probation, or imprisonment.
  8. Appeals: If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your trial, you may have the right to appeal the decision.

The Canadian criminal justice system is complex, and each case is unique. If you are facing a criminal charge, and need a trial lawyer, please call us at (416) 613-0416 or (416) 595-9500 or contact us at for a free consultation. We will meet with you to ensure you understand the court process, discuss the facts of your case and potential defences, and we will map out a trial strategy to help maximize your chances of an acquittal.