Dec 02
I Want to Speak with My Spouse
When you are charged with a criminal offence, and you are released on bail, a non-communication order will typically be one of your conditions.
Dec 02
Should I Hire a Domestic Violence Lawyer?
Domestic violence is not a criminal offence itself, but it is sub-set of offences based on your relationship with the complainant. Domestic violence cases have issues, events, and legal considerations that arise right from the outset, and that you may overlook leading to lasting consequences if not addressed effectively.
Nov 18
Brampton Domestic Assault Lawyers
In the Canadian law, there is no offence called domestic assault. When you are charged with a domestic offence it connotes the nature of the relationship between the accused and the complainant. Domestic charges can range from simple assault, sexual assault, to homicide (murder).
Nov 15
How Can I get my Domestic Assault Charged Dropped?
If you are charged with domestic assault or other domestic charges, one of the questions people often ask is “how do I get my charges withdrawn?”
Oct 17
Being Charged with Domestic Assault
When you are arrested, you will either be released on a Promise to Appear (and Form 10), or you will be held for…