Jan 15

Domestic Violence Lawyers Near Me?

The criminal lawyers at Lockyer Zaduk Zeeh work on the most challenging criminal cases across Ontario. Through dedication, a wealth of experience and knowledge as well as tireless preparation, our criminal lawyers are committed to the achievement of remarkable client results and legal reform. The central focus of our firm is the promotion of fairness and protection against miscarriages of justice. If you are charged with an offence in Toronto, Barrie, Kingston, London, or anywhere else in Ontario, we can assist you.

Do I need a Lawyer for my Domestic Violence Charge?

A domestic violence or domestic assault conviction can result in jail time and a criminal record, leading to future challenges such as employment, travel restrictions, and perhaps most importantly, it may result in not being able to see your children or fulfill an active role in their lives.

Our criminal lawyers have extensive experience successfully defending domestic violence allegations. This means returning to your life without a conviction and/or a criminal record. If you or someone you know has been charged with domestic violence, you should contact a criminal lawyer immediately to help determine the best defence. Call us at (416) 613-0416 or (416) 595-9500 or contact us online for a free consultation.