Sep 25
I Have Been Charged with Sexual Assault, But They Consented?
In Canada, there are several sexual offences set out in the Criminal Code of Canada. The elements to each offence may differ and the potential sentence upon conviction varies. Among some of these…
Sep 20
I Have Been Charged with Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is any form of sexual touching without consent. Consent is defined as an agreement to engage in the sexual activity by both parties through either their…
Jul 26
What is PAR Program?
If you are charged with a domestic offence in Toronto or elsewhere in Ontario, you may be required or requested to complete the PAR (Partner Assault Response Program)…
Jul 21
I Have Been Charged with Domestic Assault
In the Canadian law, there is no offence called domestic assault. When you are charged with a domestic offence it connotes the nature of the relationship…
May 25
I am Charged with a Criminal Offence, Should I Plead Guilty?
A criminal conviction can have a dramatic impact on your life. If you are convicted of a criminal offence, and end up with a criminal record, you may be facing additional collateral consequences…
May 25
I Have Been Detained at my Bail Hearing, What Can I Do?
A bail review is an appeal of your bail hearing which is conducted in the Superior Court of Justice. If you are charged with a s. 469 offence such as murder…