Nov 03
What is a Peace Bond?
A peace bond is a court order issued by a justice of a peace or judge. There are two types of peace bonds: 1) a peace bond pursuant to section 810 of the Criminal Code…
Oct 30
The Supreme Court of Canada’s ruling in R. v. Ndhlovu Striking Down Provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada in Relation to the SOIRA Orders
On October 28, 2022, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down Provisions of SOIRA (Sexual Offender Information Registry Act) in R. v. Ndhlovu…
Oct 26
What Happens if I Breach my Parole?
When an individual is granted parole, they are required to follow the conditions of their release. Some conditions are standard for all inmates on parole…
Oct 25
My parole has been denied. What are my options?
If your parole has been denied by the Parole Board, you have two options: 1) reapply for a new parole hearing, or 2) appeal the Board’s decision.
Oct 17
Being Charged with Domestic Assault
When you are arrested, you will either be released on a Promise to Appear (and Form 10), or you will be held for…
Oct 06
What is First Degree Murder, Second Degree Murder, and Manslaughter?
Murder as defined by section 229 of the Criminal Code, is when a “person who causes the death of a human being means to cause his death or means to cause…