Nov 21
How do I Defend my Failure to Appear in Court?
If you have missed court, there may be a bench warrant for your arrest. The Crown, and the Court, have limited recourse if you missed your court appearance, which include, either a bench summons, an adjournment to another court appearance, or a bench warrant.
Nov 21
Kitchener Bail Hearing Lawyers
Lockyer Zaduk Zeeh are Kitchener bail hearing lawyers. We place substantial emphasis on our client’s freedom whether that is during the bail hearing phase or on a bail review. We work with you and your sureties to ensure you have the best chance…
Nov 18
Can I Beat a Refusal Charge?
A refusal charge (or fail to provide a breath sample) is a criminal charge which carries the same consequences as if you were charged with an impaired or an ‘over 80’. This includes a driving suspension, a fine, and even the possibility of a jail sentence.
Nov 18
What is an Approved Screening Device (ASD)?
Since RIDE programs are common, it is likely at some point in your life that you will have to provide a sample of your breath into an approved screening device. You may be asked to provide a breath sample anytime you are driving a motorized vehicle (car, boat, electric bike, etc.).
Nov 18
The Police Called Me – What Should I Do?
The police may advise you that they would like to speak with you. This does not necessarily mean that you will be charged with a criminal offence. You may be a witness, a person of interest, or a suspect. If police call, you could try to ascertain why they are interested in speaking with you.
Nov 18
Brampton Domestic Assault Lawyers
In the Canadian law, there is no offence called domestic assault. When you are charged with a domestic offence it connotes the nature of the relationship between the accused and the complainant. Domestic charges can range from simple assault, sexual assault, to homicide (murder).