Dec 19
Toronto Robbery Lawyers
The lawyers of Lockyer Zaduk Zeeh are experienced Toronto robbery lawyers. We are also regularly representing individuals charged with robbery in Hamilton, Brampton, Newmarket, and Oshawa. If you or someone you know has been charged with robbery you should contact a criminal lawyer immediately to help determine the best defence.
Dec 17
What Should I Do if I am Charged with a DUI?
Being pulled over and arrested for a DUI is an overwhelming position to find yourself in. For many, this is an unfamiliar position to find yourself in, and it is natural that you are uncertain of what you should do.
Dec 17
Can I Run a Bail Hearing on Christmas?
The lawyers of Lockyer Zaduk Zeeh are experienced bail hearing lawyers. We place substantial emphasis on our client’s freedom, whether that is during the bail hearing phase or on a bail review. We work with you and your sureties to ensure you have the best chance of release pending your trial.
Dec 17
Will I End Up in Bail Court?
When you are arrested, it is common to end up in bail court. However, it is not the only option. The police can release you on an appearance notice or a promise to appear.
Dec 17
Youth Bail Hearings
The Youth Criminal Justice Act addresses how individuals under the age of 18 are dealt with throughout the criminal justice process. The YCJA very clearly outlines the process the courts must follow in determining whether a young person should be denied bail.
Dec 16
What Happens if I Do Not Get Bail?
If you are not granted bail or you do not apply for bail, you will be held on remand in a provincial jail, such as the Toronto South Detention Centre. You can be held on remand, also called pre-trial detention, for months awaiting your trial.