Aug 15
Driving Lawyers: What are Demerit Points?
In Ontario, demerit points are a system used to track and penalize drivers who commit certain driving offences. These points are assigned to your driving record when you are convicted of a traffic violation. The purpose of demerit points is to encourage safe driving behavior by imposing consequences for repeated or serious traffic infractions.
Aug 08
Mississauga DUI Lawyers
Being charged with a driving related offence such as impaired driving, excess blood alcohol, or a refusal is an overwhelming position to find yourself in. The criminal justice system is confusing and difficult to navigate on your own.
Aug 08
Mississauga Bail Hearing Lawyers
Lockyer Zaduk Zeeh are Mississauga bail hearing lawyers. We place substantial emphasis on our client’s freedom whether that is during the bail hearing phase or on a bail review. We work with you and your sureties to ensure you have the best chance of release pending your trial.
Aug 08
Bail Review Lawyers: 90-day Review (R. v. Myers)
Section 525 of the Criminal Code stipulates that when in custody, an accused person is entitled to have their detention reviewed after 90 days. Under that framework, the purpose of s. 525 hearing is to prevent accused persons from languishing in pre-trial custody and to be a safeguard for those individuals from remaining in custody too long.
Jul 18
Oshawa DUI Lawyers
Lockyer Zaduk Zeeh have skilled and experienced Oshawa DUI lawyers that have built a reputation for securing favourable results for our clients. If you or a loved one is charged with a driving-related offence, please call our Oshawa DUI lawyers at 416-613-0416 for a consultation.
Jul 18
Newmarket DUI Lawyers
Lockyer Zaduk Zeeh have skilled and experienced Newmarket DUI lawyers that have built a reputation for securing favourable results for our clients. If you or a loved one is charged with a driving-related offence, please call our Newmarket DUI lawyers at 416-613-0416 for a consultation.