May 03

The lawyers at Lockyer Zaduk Zeeh have a wealth of experience representing people that were the target of a search warrant. This includes searches of homes, vehicles, and wiretap investigations. If you or someone you know has been charged because of a search warrant, please give us a call at 416-613-0416 to schedule a consultation.

What is a Confidential Informant?

A confidential informant (CI) is an individual who provides information to law enforcement agencies, typically in exchange for some sort of benefit or consideration, such as reduced charges or monetary compensation. The identity of the informant is usually kept confidential in order to protect their safety and prevent retaliation from criminals or other potentially dangerous individuals. CIs can provide information about criminal activity, such as drug trafficking, organized crime, or terrorism, and can be instrumental in helping law enforcement agencies build cases and make arrests. However, the use of CIs is a controversial practice, and there are concerns about the potential for abuse, such as false or unreliable information being provided, entrapment, and violations of civil liberties.

What is Informer Privilege?

The law requires that the identity of a CI be kept confidential to protect their safety and prevent retaliation. This is known as the “informant privilege.” However, the privilege is not absolute, and in certain circumstances, the identity of a CI may be disclosed.

The Canadian Criminal Code provides certain protections for CIs, including prohibiting the disclosure of their identity in court proceedings unless the judge determines that the information is essential to the fair determination of the case. Additionally, the Criminal Code requires police officers to keep records of all interactions with CIs and to ensure that their treatment of CIs complies with the law.

Overall, the law seeks to balance the need to protect their identity with the right of the accused to a fair trial.