Jun 25
Bail Lawyers: Why Does Bail Matter?
Bail is an important aspect of the Canadian legal system that serves several purposes and plays a crucial role in the administration of justice.
Jun 12
Bail Lawyers: How do I Bring a Bail Review?
If you want to review your existing bail conditions or seek a change in your detention status, here is an overview of the process for bringing a bail review
May 23
Bail Hearing Lawyers: Gladue Bail Hearings
Gladue principles are legal principles that aim to address the overrepresentation of Indigenous peoples in the criminal justice system and promote fair treatment during sentencing. While the Gladue principles primarily apply to sentencing, they can also have an impact during bail hearings.
May 23
Bail Hearing Lawyers: Bail Pending Sentence
Bail pending sentence, also known as pre-sentence bail or post-conviction bail, refers to a situation where an individual is granted bail after being convicted but before they have been sentenced.
May 12
Brampton Bail Lawyers: Changes to Domestic Bails
Bill C-233 is federal legislation which may soon become law. The Act contains several changes to the Canadian Criminal Code bail laws which is aimed at the protection of victims of domestic violence and intimate partner violence. The bill would require judges, before making a release order, to consider whether a person who is accused of violence against their intimate partner should wear an electronic monitoring device.